Power Coaching for the 21st Century:
Coaching Package

You Will Receive:

  • INTRODUCTORY PACKAGE: includes your "Introduction to Coaching" manual, your contract, and your workbook

  • SESSIONS with your coach using the delivery style and frequency that suits your lifestyle

  • SESSION SUMMARY AND "HOMEWORK": After each session, you will receive a personal SUMMARY that will include exercises, affirmations, "plans for the week" with worksheets to help you to work through issues and problems, as well as goal-setting, brain-storming and manifestation "homework" to help you move forward between sessions.

  • MANUALS: Ongoing manuals and materials to address the life areas you particularly wish to work on.

| Introduction | Credentials | Support | Development | Your Plan | Package |
|Home | Delivery | Email Mode | Chat Mode | Contract | Order | Contact | Links |

June Kaminski, RN MSN | DynoWomyn Power Coaching | © 1999 - 2005